Skeletal Muscle Phenotyping
BIOQUANT LIFE SCIENCE now has as a specialized measurement type for the analysis of skeletal muscle. This significantly simplifies what used to be a complex multi-step protocol in to 3 simple steps.

Retina Structure
BIOQUANT LIFE SCIENCE now has a standard template for the analysis of retinal structure particular the thickness of various layers in the retina.

Axon Analysis in Nerve Cross-section
BIOQUANT LIFE SCIENCE now has templates for the analysis of axon number, axons size, axon caliber and axon shape.
These templates are applicable to a variety of animal models including non-human primate models of glaucoma.

Blood Vessel Analysis
BIOQUANT LIFE SCIENCE provides standardized tools for the analysis of blood vessel morphology. Data range from measures of lumen area, to internal and external elastic lamina, to computation of percent stenosis.

Proliferation Index
BIOQUANT LIFE SCIENCE has standard templates for the computation of proliferation index. The templates are able to analyze tissue stained with a variety of techniques. The most common is DAP for PCNA+ cells with an eosin counterstain.