Skeletal Muscle Phenotyping
BIOQUANT OSTEO now has as a specialized measurement type for the analysis of skeletal muscle. This significantly simplifies what used to be a complex multi-step protocol in to 3 simple steps.

Faster Skeletal Phenotyping
BIOQUANT OSTEO has a host of new features that simplify and accelerate data collection for skeletal phenotyping.

The Osseointegration protocol has been updated so that contact surface can now be identified at high or low magnification using Auto Surface and Auto ROI.
Auto Surface automatically measure the length of objects. Objects can be identified by automatic thresholding or manual drawing.
Using an ROI drawn at lower magnification, Auto ROI automatically ensures that all measurements are contained within the ROI even when measuring at high magnification.

Chondrocyte Proliferation
Neonatal bone sections are common tissues to study chondrocyte proliferation. Immunohistochemical PCNA labeling in thin sections is fairly straight-forward. BIOQUANT’s thresholding tools automatically identify PCNA+ cells based on stain color.