OSTEOIMAGER Installation Visit

The installation of an OSTEOIMAGER is easier with onsite support from BIOQUANT. If your OSTEOIMAGER includes onsite installation, please use this form to tell us about your goals and to request possible days for the installation.

Suggested Agenda

It takes 3 to 4 hours to unbox, assemble, calibrate and train people on the OSTEOIMAGER. If a lab has prior experience with BIOQUANT SCAN, the training could go faster.

For the first hour or so, it will not be necessary for most people to be present. Most of the early work of assembly will never be repeated. If a lab manager of curious PI wants to be part of the early setup, that’s also fine.

Calibration takes about 5 to 10 minutes. Calibrating an OSTEOIMAGER is identical to calibrating a regular microscope.

Training time depends on the lab’s needs. Training covers: imaging in brightfield, imaging in linear polarization, imaging in darkfield, and imaging in multi-band fluorescence. There are some interesting topics here, but nothing complex. Mostly they involve rotating a turret or pushing in a slider.

Multi-band fluorescence imaging is probably the most interesting. The OSTEOIMAGER can adjust the strength of individual labels both at the excitation source and at the camera so we’ll spend some time on fluorescence optimzation

Handy Histology

If the lab has different kinds of histology some sections with brightfield staining and others with fluorescent labels, that’ll make the training more relevant.

Request Form

When you are ready to request installation, please complete this form.